
Sweet Summertime.

Okay. I admit...my blog may have died a teeny bit. A few friends have asked me if I was going to write any more. So here we go. Trying again? I think only a few select people read this anyway, but I love that they do.

Summer is here...or so that's what the calendar says..but I'm thinking that all this rain has me feeling like we may still be stuck in April. IT'S JULY 10! What in the world.  So far the summer has been a whirlwind of activities. I love the business of life though. My mom always says that I never have free time because when I do, I fill it with a dinner with friends or babysitting or shopping. I would have to agree with her. I've never been one to sit at home and do nothing. I'm not a huge movie watcher or on my computer a ton. I love being outdoors or active with friends. The next few weeks on my agenda are pretty busy. This weekend I have work, dinner with friends, and a wedding shower! It will be a lot of fun, but this also means I am about three weeks out from my trip to California. I am so excited for this trip. Like I said I don't allow myself a lot of downtime so when I take trips, like to Seattle:), I count it as my big chunk of downtime. It will be so relaxing to have a good amount of time on my own. I haven't been to the beach in about 5 years, so I am especially excited for that!

As far as career decisions, I have yet to decide what I want to do, but I'm not too scared by that idea. I know what my dreams and goals are, but I am in no rush to make anything happen. I know something in the next few months will work out. I've learned it is best not to rush God's timing. So maybe this post will be a kick start into getting me back into a blogging mood I hope?

I guess we will see.

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