
Where is YOUR faith?

Wow. I really need to get better at this whole writing thing. I really do enjoy it.

School is back in session and it is a love/hate relationship. I have a good feeling about this semester though. Minus the fact that today, as I opened the door, I am very sure my eyelashes froze and my coffee instantly became iced. It is that cold. Part of me does wish I lived on the West Coast or perhaps in sunny Florida. Regardless, I am thankful for another day.

Today I am back in Ohio. I spent the weekend in PA with my grandmother. I loved every minute. I seem to appreciate life a whole lot more when I take time to enjoy the little things. Spending time without my phone and computer was great. It is always extremely rejuvenating. I learned so much about my grandmother that I did not know before. Some things I learned? She babysat for Elisabeth Elliot! I thought that was pretty cool. One thing she never got to do (that she wishes she could) was go to the Rose Bowl Parade in California. I so wish I could give that to her. She has lived in the same town, since birth, for 88 years...three houses, two streets. She is one smart cookie and is full of wisdom. She spends every morning reading her Bible. She never particularly enjoyed swimming, it scared her. And that is where the title of my blog comes from today. When I asked her why she didn't enjoy swimming, she kind of just sat there and looked into the distance, then replied, "I don't particularly know, but your grandfather always said to me, "Where is your faith?", and I never really gave him an answer." Now it was my turn to sit and think.

I love when I hear stories about my grandparents. They were married for 55 years, until he passed away in 2005. Whenever someone talks about my grandfather, I gather two things. He was a man of GREAT faith and of few words. I wish I could be like that. I have often observed that someone who speaks less, is heard more. I think maybe I am the exact opposite of my grandfather.  I speak way more than I should and don't have nearly enough faith. All in all I do have faith, but I find I let my worries and troubles overcome my faith. As I sat there and listened to my grandma talk, I thought, my Grandpa would probably ask me the same thing, about the things that I fear. Where is my faith? What do I put in place of it? Worry? Anger? Negativity? If I began substituting those things with faith, I can only imagine what great things I could accomplish.

So today, I started off my day with positivity and faith. Faith in my God who gave me the life I have today. Faith that He does have a plan. Faith that He is always there for me and has my best interest in mind. He knows my passions, because He is the one who gave them to me. Where would I be without Him? It is amazing what waking up with gratuity and faith can do, even in the bleakest eight degree weather. So next time you let the fear or worry of the unknown creep in, ask yourself where your faith is. Teach yourself to substitute fear with faith.

Oh, and while you're at it, take a minute to check out my friend Shelby's blog. She's 5ft of inspiration:)



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