
Sweet Summertime.

Okay. I admit...my blog may have died a teeny bit. A few friends have asked me if I was going to write any more. So here we go. Trying again? I think only a few select people read this anyway, but I love that they do.

Summer is here...or so that's what the calendar says..but I'm thinking that all this rain has me feeling like we may still be stuck in April. IT'S JULY 10! What in the world.  So far the summer has been a whirlwind of activities. I love the business of life though. My mom always says that I never have free time because when I do, I fill it with a dinner with friends or babysitting or shopping. I would have to agree with her. I've never been one to sit at home and do nothing. I'm not a huge movie watcher or on my computer a ton. I love being outdoors or active with friends. The next few weeks on my agenda are pretty busy. This weekend I have work, dinner with friends, and a wedding shower! It will be a lot of fun, but this also means I am about three weeks out from my trip to California. I am so excited for this trip. Like I said I don't allow myself a lot of downtime so when I take trips, like to Seattle:), I count it as my big chunk of downtime. It will be so relaxing to have a good amount of time on my own. I haven't been to the beach in about 5 years, so I am especially excited for that!

As far as career decisions, I have yet to decide what I want to do, but I'm not too scared by that idea. I know what my dreams and goals are, but I am in no rush to make anything happen. I know something in the next few months will work out. I've learned it is best not to rush God's timing. So maybe this post will be a kick start into getting me back into a blogging mood I hope?

I guess we will see.


Diets and God.

How is it that over a week has passed since my last post? I don't understand how time flies by.

So the other day, I tweeted about diets. Everyone I talk to seems to be on a "diet". Now don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that it's annoying or stupid, I applaud people who are successful "dieters" (not really sure if that's a word) but what I am saying, is that diets don't work the way people expect them to. I have my friends that know a diet involves more than saying no to unhealthy food occasionally, and then there are people who expect to turn down a slice of cake and some ice cream and think that will do them justice in their "diet". Another extreme would be people who are extremely controlling of everything they eat, and essentially starve them selves skinny. By no means, do the last two options work well. It's funny though, because the more I thought about it, the more I realize the parallels between diets and a relationship with God.

People who go on diets, want results. They see thousands of ads and magazines with photos of models who seems to be perfect in all the right areas. So when they make the decision to go on a diet, they think, "Hey, I want to look like this person, or be able to wear this." In the same way, when we are striving to start or better our relationship with God, we have a goal in mind. Sometimes, it can even be selfish, but God sees our hearts and knows our motives, so it's pointless to try and fool Him.

Many people think that church every Sunday is enough. I am not saying this to cut down anyone at all, but if we want to really see God's promises and blessings in our life, its essential that we walk daily with Him; not behind Him or in front of Him. When I say "walking in front or behind God", I mean it in the sense that sometimes we get so into our selves that we think, "Hey, I've walked enough with God for the past few months, I think I can figure out the next few steps of my life on my own."  Or when we walk behind, we fall out step completely and think, "He would be so disappointed in me, there's no point in trying to sync back up with Him."

Attending church every Sunday is like saying no to that one slice of cake, but indulging in all the other unhealthy food we want, as long as we think it's in reason. Like, "Oh, it's only one cake pop and Cinnamon Dolce Latte from Starbucks (every day of the week...)".{guilty} --When we choose to attend church once a week, every Sunday, especially out of "I have to go" attitude, we are starving ourselves of the essential "nutrients" the rest of the week. It's not healthy for our spirit to lack time with God. Church is great to feed us, but just like a diet, we need a balance. Say you chose to start a diet today, then the rest of the week, didn't follow it...but come next Tuesday, you decided, this is it, I'm going to start my diet", it's essentially what we do to our spirit every week.We get off on the right foot, but in order to keep achieve the goal, it's important to maintain a steady balance.

When we choose to walk daily with God, we are opening up a whole other area of our life to him. We are completely surrendering ourselves to let Him work in us. You'll notice a difference, as will others. Sometimes it can be hard to get back in the swing of things, but God is so full of mercy and grace, it is incomprehensible to us. Our setbacks and mistakes may cost us in our physical life, but in the end, we can ALWAYS return to Him. [Psalm 51:1-1]

So since we are not perfect, or we may not be obedient every single day, the least I can encourage is to seek out time with Him. I did a study over the summer with a group of women that really discussed how important it is to have that quiet time with God. And to be honest, having quiet time in general is really important. We live in a world that is overrun with "being busy". We jam pack our days from the minute we get up, til the minute we crawl into bed. It really is crucial to set aside time and slow the pace of your life down a bit. I am extremely guilty of always packing my days and I am the worst at saying "no" to people, especially when it comes to work; it's easy for me to lose track of the days. Lately I've been able to have more down time and it really has been beneficial in all areas of my life. Hopefully this is a little encouragement to make some own time for yourself!

P.S.  --- This song JUST came on and it's so perfect for right now. Go look it up, if you haven't heard it.

Seventh Day Slumber - From the Inside Out

{A thousand times I've failed, yet Your mercy remains. Should I stumble again? Still I'm calling your name. Everlasting, Your light will shine when all else fades. Never ending, Your glory goes beyond all fame.}

I am pretty sure I've failed way over a thousand times, and yet I still turn to God. He promises to never turn His back on us, there is so much comfort in knowing that.


Where is YOUR faith?

Wow. I really need to get better at this whole writing thing. I really do enjoy it.

School is back in session and it is a love/hate relationship. I have a good feeling about this semester though. Minus the fact that today, as I opened the door, I am very sure my eyelashes froze and my coffee instantly became iced. It is that cold. Part of me does wish I lived on the West Coast or perhaps in sunny Florida. Regardless, I am thankful for another day.

Today I am back in Ohio. I spent the weekend in PA with my grandmother. I loved every minute. I seem to appreciate life a whole lot more when I take time to enjoy the little things. Spending time without my phone and computer was great. It is always extremely rejuvenating. I learned so much about my grandmother that I did not know before. Some things I learned? She babysat for Elisabeth Elliot! I thought that was pretty cool. One thing she never got to do (that she wishes she could) was go to the Rose Bowl Parade in California. I so wish I could give that to her. She has lived in the same town, since birth, for 88 years...three houses, two streets. She is one smart cookie and is full of wisdom. She spends every morning reading her Bible. She never particularly enjoyed swimming, it scared her. And that is where the title of my blog comes from today. When I asked her why she didn't enjoy swimming, she kind of just sat there and looked into the distance, then replied, "I don't particularly know, but your grandfather always said to me, "Where is your faith?", and I never really gave him an answer." Now it was my turn to sit and think.

I love when I hear stories about my grandparents. They were married for 55 years, until he passed away in 2005. Whenever someone talks about my grandfather, I gather two things. He was a man of GREAT faith and of few words. I wish I could be like that. I have often observed that someone who speaks less, is heard more. I think maybe I am the exact opposite of my grandfather.  I speak way more than I should and don't have nearly enough faith. All in all I do have faith, but I find I let my worries and troubles overcome my faith. As I sat there and listened to my grandma talk, I thought, my Grandpa would probably ask me the same thing, about the things that I fear. Where is my faith? What do I put in place of it? Worry? Anger? Negativity? If I began substituting those things with faith, I can only imagine what great things I could accomplish.

So today, I started off my day with positivity and faith. Faith in my God who gave me the life I have today. Faith that He does have a plan. Faith that He is always there for me and has my best interest in mind. He knows my passions, because He is the one who gave them to me. Where would I be without Him? It is amazing what waking up with gratuity and faith can do, even in the bleakest eight degree weather. So next time you let the fear or worry of the unknown creep in, ask yourself where your faith is. Teach yourself to substitute fear with faith.

Oh, and while you're at it, take a minute to check out my friend Shelby's blog. She's 5ft of inspiration:)




What Matters Most

Today my heart goes out to the people who live in Connecticut. Just hours ago, reports of a shooting at an elementary school were flooding into all the media outlets. AN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL. I get sick to my stomach just thinking about it. Children, innocent children, who's only task in their young lives is to go to school faced an unimaginable day of tragedy. The lives of many have been turned upside down and shattered, quite permanently.

Today I spent the afternoon with my "little sister", Paige. I don't really have a little sister but I have babysat Paige since she was just a year old; she is 8 now! I can't believe it, but that's the explanation as to why I call her my little sister. I have watched her grow up and I absolutely love every second. A few weekends back we even went and saw the Nutcracker at the Akron Civic Theatre in Downtown Akron. It was so much fun and I love getting to spoil her, she is the sweetest girl.

All this to say, she's just a child, so pure and innocent. I cannot imagine if anything bad were to happen to her, or any child I know. I would do anything in my power to protect them. I can't even begin to relate to the families of all the children who were lost today or fathom what it must feel like to now see the empty bed or chair where they once slept or ate dinner. The very life of these families had been stolen in the blink of an eye. When will the tragedies stop? The constant violence and tragedy has devastatingly become part of our daily lives is slowly causing our world to fall apart.

The other day I listened to a message by John Bevere. He talked about why bad things happen to good people. It was really good and when I get a chance I'll post the notes I took while listening to it.

I'll end by reminding you to cherish every moment with the ones you love, especially when you come together during the holidays. Don't let past feuds and resentments steal what counts the most. Always, always, always count your blessings.

Food for thought: What if tomorrow you only woke up with the things you thanked God for today?



Look at me actually writing two days in a row. I don't have my laptop so I can't add photos or editing of any pages or such. I will probably work on most of that over break!

Yesterday I went running for the first time in a while. Something about running during this time of the year makes me happy. I know it's freezing outside but somehow I like that better than running in 90 degree weather. I'd rather be at the pool and sippin' on sweet tea than sweating and dying from heat. So hence, I run in the winter. The photo below is the path I went running on last night. Can you believe that's real life? After seeing that beautiful sunset, I took time to sit down and take it all in. Got my mind rolling on how amazing the small things in life are.

Quoted: "Enjoy the little things in life, for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things."—Unknown

{Side note: most likely I steal all these quotes from people I don't know, so you'll probably see a lot of unknown quotes because I don't take the time to look up who they are by..maybe I will at some point.}

Lately my mind has been on traveling. There is nothing in the world I love better (besides Jesus, family, coffee, and summer...okay so maybe a few things I love more...) regardless, traveling is a highlight of my life.

My most recent trip to Seattle was amazing. I have never loved a sunshine-less city this much.

Reason for going: my very close friend, Alexandra, lives in Washington. [Alexandra and I have known each other for 17 years, I am amazed that our friendship has continued, she is a fantastic friend and person.] While I've been out to visit her before, we've never gone to Seattle. Things fell together quite perfectly for this last visit, and we made plans to stay in Seattle for two nights.

The benefits of life in Seattle:

1. WEST COAST - everything is better on the West Coast, right? Plus I'm just a flight away from California! I love being able to walk everywhere and it really is a beautiful state.

2. Coffee is everywhere...from the cutest little cafés, to the ORIGINAL Starbucks. What's not to love?

3. Big City with a hometown feel. Also, did I mention that Amazon was founded here? I could become a millionaire by creating an business in Seattle!! (just sayin')

4. I did a flying trapeze class. Do I really need to explain this?

--Okay, wellll...how many people can say that they have done this before? Mhm. Not many, but I can be proud and say that Alexandra and I were star students. I should add that she was probably the more talented due to the fact I had the advantage of 10 years of gymnastics. Anyway, I highly recommend trying it. The classes we took were at a place in Seattle called SANCA. Look it up if you're ever in town. Such a professional and friendly staff, website too!

So when I get home, I will post a few photos of the adventures I had in Seattle:)

Hope this was enough to keep you interested on more posts!

be brave, love life.
